检测食品、饮料和制药加工行业中的生物膜、细菌和其他病原体永远是一项挑战。使用 ATP 拭子系统时,污染区域可能会漏掉几毫米。食品制造厂,尤其是卫生和食品安全/质量人员,希望尽快认识到这种潜在危害,因为生物膜会对其产品和最终消费者的安全和质量产生深远影响。生物膜的形成会通过引入病原微生物或腐败细菌来污染产品。它们难以突出显示,并且通常对正常的清洁程序有抵抗力。即使表面看起来干净,生物膜的存在也是一个潜在的危险,必须检测、消除并防止再次发生。
Biofilm Detection
Biofilms are complex microbial ecosystems formed by one or more species immersed in a combination of different arrangements depending on the type of manufacturing environment they live within. Examples of microorganisms that can make up these biofilms include bacteria and fungi.
Detecting biofilms, bacteria and other pathogens in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical process industry is forever a challenge. When using the ATP swabbing system a contaminated area can be missed by millimeters. Food manufacturing plants, particularly sanitation and food safety/quality personnel, want to recognize this potential hazard as quickly as possible, as biofilms can have a profound impact on the safety and quality of their products and the end consumer. Biofilm formation can contaminate products through the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms or spoilage bacteria. They are difficult to highlight and are often resistant to normal cleaning procedures. Even when a surface appears to be clean, the presence of biofilms is a potential hazard that must be detected, eliminated, and prevented from reoccurring.